Motorsports Marketing Mail Tips

Little Buckaroo 970x250

Posted on: Friday January 27, 2023


When you are considering just what businesses to reach out to with your sponsorship deck it’s always important to know what the needs and/or direction are of said companies.

Each business has a different marketing plan or vision for their growth. Whether it’s retail stores, food and beverage companies, tool and power tool companies, equipment manufacturers, service providers, aftermarket parts companies and endemic brands, technology companies, clothing and apparel companies, young startup companies and middle-aged and mature companies can all have very different marketing plans for their respective businesses.

That’s why it’s imperative you learn as much as you can about the companies before you begin soliciting them with what your plan may be.

According to Shawn Stewart, who used to sell sponsorships for Motorhead Media, and now runs the United States Motorsports Association, a non-profit organization that lobbies for the rights of racers, “God gave you two ears and one mouth, so listen twice as much as you talk. You must understand the company you are approaching and what makes sense for them before you can get what you need.” (paragraph pulled from Alex Striler’s Motorsports Marketing and Sponsorships book)

 According to Stewart, it’s never a bad idea to ask questions like “What is your overall marketing budget? What are your biggest struggles? What’s your target market? What areas of your company are working well?

Thanks for reading! We’ll be back in November with another Monthly Motorsports Marketing Tip! For all our past monthly tips as we continue to archive them at under the “Motorsports Marketing” tab. Also NOW is the time to get your sponsorship deck finished and in the hands of those decision makers. Email is at and we can help you put one together!

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