Motorsports Marketing Mail Tips

Little Buckaroo 970x250

Posted on: Saturday November 25, 2023

Joe Verdegan poses with his first release “Life In The Past Lane” in 2015. (Tina Gohr photo)

WHO TO APPROACH by Joe Verdegan

(November, 2023 Monthly Marketing Mail Tip)

 All too often over the years I’ve seen scenarios where a driver aggressively goes after a business that already is an active sponsor on one or several race teams. (In Wisconsin remember Forest County Potawatomi?) I even recall one driver’s dad essentially stealing away an (at-the-time) a lucrative beer sponsor at a Wisconsin track in the 1990’s.

 I’m always trying to convince motorsports teams to aggressively seek a potential business that may be new to motorsports altogether. We relentlessly preach that in motorsports sponsorship we are truly serving up an ‘outside-of-the-box’ marketing experience unlike a traditional billboard along a highway, a radio or television advertisement.

If a driver or car owner truly wants to put that ‘outside-of-the-box’ theory to the test, don’t take the easy way out and reach out to a business that is already on a bunch of cars already – especially at the same track(s) you may compete at. Instead, seek out the new businesses in town – new startups that may be within a half an hour to one hour away from the tracks they compete at.

Often these business owners get salespersons calling on them from radio and television and maybe even the billboard sign companies. Whatever these businesses may be, do your research on them. Discover what products or services they offer and come up with a marketing plan that can clearly illustrate how your racing operation can help boost their sales, increase brand awareness or if it’s a physical business draw more traffic through their doors.

Odds are some businesses may not even be aware of using motorsports as that clever and unique marketing option. They simply need to be exposed to it is all.

If you are NOT well versed in spelling and grammar, then hire someone (like me) or have someone you trust put it together for you.

We can help you put your sponsorship deck together. Once again, we have partnered with Bryan “Woody” Wodack of Woody’s Signs in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin to design the cover pages. If you’re interested in our services simply shoot me an email @ and we’ll be happy to discuss sponsorship with you!

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