Motorsports Marketing Mail Tips
Posted on: Sunday June 30, 2024

Many successful marketing campaigns often involve tying in a businesses marketing efforts with not only a race team but with a track or series that team may compete with regularly.
One of the items you can use to your advantage if you choose to partner up with your local track or series is event tickets.
These tickets carry a value with them. That’s important to keep in mind. Say the adult tickets for a weekly event cost $12 and as part of a sponsorship deal you give said sponsor 20 tickets. The value of that ticket package is $240.
The opportunities are endless when you throw some free tickets into the mix. And often the deal winds up being a true win-win for both the race track or series.
Any track or series worth their salt should welcome the opportunity to partner with any race team that is very marketing-savvy. After all even with the ever prevalent online streaming these days (which you cannot sell hamburgers or beers to someone who’s at home sitting on their couch watching the races on a mobile device) a free ticket used is still better than nothing.
In the deals I’ve been involved with over the years the free ticket deals usually only yield about a 35-40 percent return rate, meaning often more than half of them seldom get used.
So this Fall when the time comes to throw your sponsorship deck together reach out to your track or series promoter and inquire about partnering with them and getting your hands on some tickets to an event in a true co-promotional effort.
We do assist race teams with putting together sponsorship decks which are a critical tool in the great money hunt. Simply drop me an email at and let’s get those conversations started.