Motorsports Marketing Mail Tips

GSR Kartway 970x250

Posted on: Friday March 31, 2023


It’s critical racers understand what the purpose of the sponsorship deck is.

One huge misconception is that a sponsorship deck should contain how many top five finishes you had, the fact you were 13th in points at your weekly track and how many feature wins you have racked up since your days racing karts as a kid.

Here’s the hard, cold facts. Most businesses could not care less about much of that stuff. Sure, if you’ve won a track or series championship along the way or a sportsmanship award of course, you’d want to include that stuff.  That does illustrate your commitment and dedication to what you’re doing.

A hard earned-rookie-of-the-year award? Of course, put that stuff in there. But be careful NOT to go overboard with that stuff.

But the truth is most decision makers don’t have much of a clue about motorsports to begin with. If you clutter your sponsorship deck with a bunch of those facts dating back to your childhood your deck will wind up in File 13, and if it’s in a digital PDF form it will be deleted almost immediately.

A good sponsorship deck should be brief, easy-to-read and be chock full of colorful photos, graphics and track and series logos. It should be an instrument to “break the ice” so to speak. It should be a conversation starter and a way to generate dialogue with a potential marketing partner.

Sometimes less is more. Most of the decks I craft for teams are five to seven pages tops, and that includes the important eye-catching cover page (in my case my cover pages are designed by one of the best Bryan “Woody” Wodack of Woody’s Signs).

 If you need help designing a sponsorship deck, we can do them for you! I’ll have some samples on display at the Luxemburg Racing Show Saturday, Feb. 4 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Kewaunee County Fairgrounds Exposition Building in Luxemburg, Wisconsin. Swing by and say hello!

 Joe Verdegan

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