Motorsports Marketing Mail Tips

Coleman Racing Products 970x250

Posted on: Sunday November 27, 2022


It’s finally September. The weekly racing is done for the most part and the months of September and October (at least in the Upper Midwest) offer a chance for teams to travel a bit and catch some late season specials.

What September should signal as a racer is now is the time you should be putting together your sponsorship decks to present to potential marketing partners for your 2023 racing season.

I say this every year and I’ll say it again. If you are not well versed in spelling, grammar and simply do not possess a basic grasp of the English language please get a wife, girlfriend, a friend or anyone who can put together something that a decision maker at any business will actually take time to read and give some serious consideration.

You can hire someone to do it as I understand many either don’t have the time or the know how to do something like this on their own. Chasing money for racing operations is the furthest thing from an exact science.

Keep it brief and use your team’s colorful logos and many color photos. Use track/series demographics if available and keep things like top point finishes and what not to a minimum.

Many drivers in their own heads think because they got a third place points finish in their local street stock class and won a few features that they automatically qualify for a major sponsorship deal. Truth is nothing could be further from the truth.

Know your targeted businesses you are seeking to partner up with. Do your homework on them. Are they a new business? How are they currently getting the word out about their business or product?

And if anything, avoid chasing after someone else’s sponsor and don’t be afraid to go after something NEW because we preach all the time that we have a tried and true “outside-of-the-box” marketing opportunity.

If you do NOT have the time or know how to put your own deck together email me at and you’ll get a discount, simply by responding to this email. We’ve been putting these together since 1995 and would be happy to assist you in that department.

Thanks for reading! We’ll be back in October with another Monthly Motorsports Marketing Tip!

For all our past monthly tips as we continue to archive them at under the “Motorsports Marketing” tab.

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