The Scoop
Posted on: Monday July 29, 2024

Dave Bennett races his late brother Aaron’s No. 6 dirt late model Tuesday nights at Eagle River Speedway.
The famous Bennett family racing tree’s branches have grown and extended up into northern Wisconsin.
A few years ago Dave Bennett left the Fox Valley after selling his business he co-owned with his brother Tim and moved up to Eagle River, Wisconsin. The brothers had owned a metal fab shop for 18 years. “We just decided to move onto different adventures after 18 years,” Dave explained. “Initially we weren’t looking to move up north this far. But we found the perfect house that fit our family. And we’ve been up here now almost four years.”

Dave hauls his brother Aaron’s race car on Aaron’s old school, open trailer that was once owned by Shawano Speedway Hall of Famer Bob Schmidt.
After moving up north to the Eagle River area in November the following spring the 51-year-old Bennett could hear the rumbling of race cars not too far from his house on Tuesday nights. “I had to find out what was going on having raced myself for several years,” Dave admitted. “I took a ride out one day and saw Pat Zdroik and his family working their tails off making improvements at Eagle River Speedway. It truly did help me get the itch to go racing again and we eventually did.”
Dave Bennett is the son of Wolf River Racing Association (WRRA) pioneer “Mr. B” Bobby Bennett. Bobby Bennett was a fixture on both the Fox River and Wolf River Racing Association clubs, having raced locally since the early 1960’s. Bennett’s sons all raced and they were assigned car numbers starting with the oldest son Lowell, who’s racing career began in 1976. Lowell got number 2, followed by the next oldest Brady who earned numeral 3.
Tim Bennett was next in line with number 4 and Dave Bennett got number 5. Aaron Bennett was number 6 and Joel Bennett number 7. “That’s just how it was when Dad assigned us numbers for the most part,” Dave explained. “When I was little we’d accompany Dad and Lowell all over the countryside wherever and whenever they’d race.”

Cole and Dave Bennett pose next to the street stock Cole has been wheeling on Tuesday nights at Eagle River Speedway.
The week after Dave graduated high school Mr. B. had a race car sitting in his shop, ready for Dave. “It was a Pro 4 four cylinder car that they were still racing on the half-mile at Shawano at the time,” Dave recalled. “Dad sold me that car and away we went.”
Dave Bennett got to enjoy racing the Pro 4 on Shawano’s half-mile for two seasons before the division was discontinued and the quarter-mile clay bullring at the now defunct Calumet County Fairgrounds in Chilton picked up the class in 1993. “Those cars were fun to drive and Chilton was the perfect sized track for them,” Dave said. “Plus we got to race against Dad too. Those cars were a lot of fun to drive.”
So how exactly did Dave Bennett wind up living and racing up north with his son Cole? The story actually stems from a tragedy in the family, sadly but it’s but a nice ending. Dave’s younger brother Aaron passed away three years ago due to a motorcycle accident. The late model Aaron had been racing was an older MasterSbilt dirt late model chassis that was last raced at Shawano Speedway in 2021. “Everything on this car was pretty simple to convert over to making it legal for Eagle River Speedway’s rules,” Dave explained. “It’s funny because the last time I talked to Aaron he was always saying to me ‘you should buy this car from me and run it up at Eagle River.’ That car would be a perfect fit for that track up there. Lo and behold a few years later here we are. I’m sure Aaron is looking down and he’s smiling.”
Dave made his own racing debut with the late model around mid-July this summer at Eagle River Speedway. Dave’s not the only family member who’s having fun slinging some clay in the northwoods. A year ago the Bennett’s bought a local street stock and Dave’s sons Dawson and Cole have taken turns climbing behind the wheel. Dawson is 25 and lives in the Fox Valley while Cole is 17 and has raced the car more frequently at Eagle River and also at TNT Speedway in Three Lakes.
Just like Bobby Bennett taught all of his kids to be ‘hands on’ with the maintenance of their race cars, Dave has employed that same style with his own sons. “You gain so much knowledge with being hands on and Cole is no exception,” Dave explained. “He’s starting to figure out how to setup a car and and make changes as the night goes on the track surface changes.”

Cole picked up his first career win during a heat race in late July, 2024. (
Cole recently scored his first checkered flag during a heat race at Three Lakes. Cole is home schooled with Dave’s wife Jules handling that at home. “After his schooling at home he spends time in the shop working on the car. He’s enjoying this racing thing and he keeps improving every time he’s out.”
As for his own expectations behind the wheel of the number 6 late model? Dave is quick to take a page out of his late brother’s playbook. “We’re gonna put this thing to the front,” Dave exclaimed. “That was always Aaron’s attitude. And that’s the attitude we’re taking too. We love it up north. At Eagle River Speedway everyone up here is like family. We really love the attitude up here. Everyone is friendly and willing to chip and and help. It’s a great atmosphere.”
For the balance of the 2024 season at least – Dave will keep Aaron’s number 6 on the car. “After this season we’ll see where things go and if I go back to my original number 5,” Dave said.
Bennett’s team of marketing partners for his racing effort includes Machining & Repair Services, The Daily Grind, Buckshots, Cathy’s Ice Cream & Candy Shop, No Limits Graphics & Signs, Otto Towing and Badger Truck Repair.