Advertise works with your business to craft an advertising plan that maximizes your marketing efforts while reaching those who purchase your services or products. 2023-2024 Advertising Rates

Leaderboard: 728 x 90
(1 per page – located at the top – rotates with other ads)
$375 – 3 mo. | $500 – 6 mo. | $615 – 9 mo. | $915 – 1 yr.
($250 extra for targeted placement – with one year purchase you’ll also receive a story on your business (up to 1,500 words as part of a one year Leaderboard purchase)

Medium Rectangle: 300 x 250
(multiple per page – located within content and right side – rotates with other ads)
$235 – 3 mo. | $380 – 6 mo. | $575 – 9 mo. | $735 – 1 yr.
($150 extra for targeted placement)

Billboard: 970 x 250
(multiple per page – located within content only – rotates with other ads)
$185 – 3 mo. | $340 – 6 mo. | $490 – 9 mo. | $650 for 1 yr.

10% discount if full balance paid at time of completed advertising agreement

Pricing is based upon your business providing the appropriate logos/artwork

All ads are compatible for desktop, tablet, and mobile viewers

Contact Joe Verdegan @ (920) 676 5990

Outagamie Speedway 970x250