Motorsports Marketing Mail Tips
April, 2022 Tip – “Photos, Photos & More Photos”

GSR Kartway 970x250

Posted on: Wednesday June 1, 2022


It’s April and in the Midwest most every racer either has their car lettered and shined up and ready to hit the racetrack or they’ve already traveled south and gotten some seat time in.

In any case you’ll want to snap as many photos of your car before it hits the track and there are many reasons for that.

Pre-season car shows, brat frys and the like are typically popular, pre-season events in the racing community. Its truly a win-win for both the race team and the racetrack. Tracks can showcase the different classes of cars that will be running at their track during the year.

And the teams get to display their shiny new race cars decked up with their advertisers. As such it’s critical to take a lot of pictures. Photos of your driver signing autographed Hero Cards for the kids. Taking selfies with kids behind the wheel of the race car. Document everything. Did you win best appearing car in your division? Get a pic of you with the trophy proudly displayed on the roof of the car.

It shows a potential sponsor that your stuff looks top notch and that you take pride in your operation. No business is going to want to partner with someone who’s race car doesn’t look good. Also take photos of your team transporter and BONUS if your car is towed with an open trailer. Take a pic of the car on the open trailer as that is a huge ROLLING BILLBOARD all along the highway.

Take some zoomed out photos as well – pictures that show large crowds of people attending these car shows. You want to illustrate through these photos that your race car competing at speed on the track is just one piece of the proverbial “marketing puzzle” if you will.

Any business is going to look long and hard at their ROI (refer to our March Motorsports Marketing Mail Tip) and by showing these large crowds of people you’ll have some proof that your race car with that business’ name splashed on the doors, quarter panels or hood has a true value to it.

These photos will be put to good use when you craft your sponsorship deck (i.e. proposal) to submit to potential marketing partners down the road. Heck if you can swing it hire a professional photographer to snap some shots (include pose shots with the driver in them) for your Hero Cards.

If you want to save a few bucks take the photos yourself. Let’s face it – most mobile devices now have high-quality cameras built into them that take pretty good photos. Truth is you cannot have enough good photos to choose from in your arsenal when it comes to the great sponsor hunt.

And what better time to snap some pics before the car gets beat up on the track!

Thanks for reading! I always want to hear from you with your sponsors stories good, bad or indifferent! I want to continue learning as much as I can about this crazy business and will continue to share what I know with you. The fact that you’re reading this today tells me you are at least taking your sponsorship search seriously enough.

Until next time – thanks again for reading and best of luck in your racing efforts in 2022!

Joe Verdegan

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